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A traditional Chinese medicine manual therapy to drastically enhance your treatment results.

What is tuina massage?

Tuina “推拿” refers to the whole system of manual therapies of Chinese medicine. More than just a massage, it includes a variety of massage techniques, manipulations and mobilizations of joints and muscles. It takes into consideration both the modern anatomical knowledge and the energetic aspects of traditional Chinese medical theory of meridians and acupuncture points.

Want to know what Tuina can treat?

  • Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Headaches

  • Cervical, dorsal or lumbar pain

  • Various musculoskeletal pains

  • Sports injuries

  • Sciatica (sciatica nerve pain)

  • Pain and injuries of the knees or ankles

  • Digestive and menstrual problems

How Tuina Works

Specialized care means you get exceptional results!

Or, just call 450 500 2963 and we will be happy to answer your questions.


Traitement de la douleur

Le traitement de la douleur est l’aspect de l’acupuncture qui est le mieux connu et qui a été le plus étudié. Depuis maintenant plusieurs années.


Performance sportive

De plus en plus d’athlètes se tournent donc vers des méthodes alternatives pour améliorer leur performance sportive. Parmi les approches qui suscitent un intérêt sérieux depuis quelques années on retrouve l’acupuncture.


L’acupuncture pour les athlètes

L’acupuncture a beaucoup à offrir aux sportifs, qu’ils soient de niveau compétitif ou des athlètes de fin de semaine.


Autres maladies

Une médecine basée sur l’individu : La médecine chinoise se fonde sur le principe que la maladie est le résultat d’un déséquilibre chez l’individu. L’acupuncture et la médecine chinoise sont en mesure d’agir sur de nombreuses maladies en tant que traitement alternatif ou complémentaire aux autres approches thérapeutiques.

A solid training

I was first introduced to Tuina therapy during my first trip to China in 2004. I was impressed with the effectiveness of this approach and the high skill level of the doctors that taught me. I decided to follow my passion to manual therapy (I already had a solid training in Shiatsu massage), and did a year-long training in Chinese hospitals under the supervision of various Chinese doctor specialized in tuina therapy. Upon returning to Canada, I quickly integrated Tuina into my clinical practice. Over the years, I have seen how Tuina can make a huge difference in treatment results. I now return to china on a regular basis to perfect my techniques and knowledge of tuina, and I also teach medical tuina and pediatric tuina here in Brossard and Montreal.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary. We do not guarantee or imply any specific results. Your results will depend on many factors and your commitment to the treatment plan. Our advice is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician, and we do not diagnose medical conditions.


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